
Nuud, Red Starter Pack Deodorant (15 ml)

(7 customer reviews)

7.150 BHD

  • Highly Effective
  • Pre-odorant
  • Fresh All Day!
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A better, more spreadable, lighter, and breathable nuud. Still incredibly effective, but less creamy and oily. Today’s nuud absorbs faster, making you feel ready for the day even more quickly. In short, a fresh start, both for you and for our cream deodorant.

Fresh armpits worldwide
A vegan anti-odorant that is magically effective for 3-7 days, with one application only.

This is our Starter Pack. Perfect for starting out. Containing a 15ml tube of nuud  – enough for an average of seven weeks of armpit freshness. Just use a pea-size amount per armpit. That’s more than enough to keep everything breathing freely.

And, maybe you’re already in the know, but in our Starter Pack there’s room for a Magic Cap – a cap and applicator in one – so you can apply nuud without using your fingers. The cap – like our tubes – is made from sugarcane bioplastic. Order it here.

New to nuud?

Everyone falls in love with nuud. Yet as with all true romance, in the beginning, it’s not all roses, all of the time. When it comes to nuud you just need to know a few do’s and don’ts. Watch this film to learn all about detoxing from old deodorants, how little you have to (re)apply nuud and beating tough bacterias  – so you can let that love blossom…

Nuud is totally innocent:
  • No aluminium, no fragrances, no parabens, no vague chemicals, no alcohol
  • No microplastics, no nanoparticles
  • Cruelty free, 100% vegan
  • No clogging, no staining on clothes
  • Bioplastic sugarcane tube, biodegradable cardboard box
  • Sustainable production & distribution
and highly effective:
  • Prevents odor by neutralizing bacteria with silver’s microparticules
  • Effective for 3-7 days, with one application. Sports, being active or showering have no effect on nuud’s effectiveness
  • Super concentrated: 10 weeks with our 20 ml tube
  • Patented formula
Active ingredient

Silver (pure):  micro silver; much larger silver particles (which cannot penetrate the skin) and, our silver is nota solution; the silver in nuud is 99,9% pure.

Zinc oxide: ensures that the skin is properly cleaned. In addition, it protects your skin. Which is why it is often used, in for example baby ointments.

Stearalkonium bentonite:  promotes the ease of application onto the skin; it makes the cream thin enough to lubricate the skin well, but thick enough to adhere well to the skin.


Squalane, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Zinc Oxide, Oryza Sativa Bran Oil, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate, Stearalkonium Bentonite, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Copernicia Cerifera Cera, Hydrogenated Olive Oil Unsaponifiables, Propylene Carbonate, Silver

Does nuud work for everybody?

Yes, nuud works for everybody. Men, women, young and old. Everyone perspires and develops some sort of perspiration smell from puberty.

What’s micro silver, and why do I care?

We care about silver so you don’t have to. This is the top line low down: Silver in consumer products can be categorized by form and size. The form can be pure elementary silver (metallic) or silver dissolved in fluid (colloidal silver). The size can be teeny tiny particles (nano) or particles that are a thousand times larger (micro).

We know about the effects of metallic silver because we’ve used it for years in things like cutlery or jewelry. People have been wearing silver close or next to their skin for decades at a time during a lifetime. So, we’re all good there in terms of understanding the effects.We know it to be harmless.


The problem is when these particles are so teeny (the nano silver we were telling you about) they can get into the skin – the effects of this are unknown. The same goes for colloidal silver; when silver is dissolved in fluid its characteristics change and its safety is no longer something we know enough about.


Aside from safety with respect to our bodies, there’s the environmental elephant in the room. Nano silver particles and dissolved silver particles slip through the filters at water purification plants because they’re so teeny weeny – they end up in the irrigation waters. Also far from cool!


So, why on earth would we use nano or colloidal silver? The answer is purely cost. By making the particles smaller or dissolving them in fluid, the effectiveness increases, hence less silver is needed for the same effect and the price drops. In nuud there is neither nano silver nor colloidal silver, in nuud there is only 100% metallic micro silver. Like we said, we care – so you don’t have to.

What else is cool about nuud’s silver?

Certain forms of silver can lead to bacterial resistance. That’s why we’ve opted for pure metallic silver which works in a different way. nuud’s silver ions bind to negatively charged parts in proteins. These parts are essential to the life-supporting functions of the cells. By inactivation of these life-supporting functions the bacterial cells break down and die. In order to become resistant to silver, bacteria would need to remove all negative charges, which would lead to self-destruction of the cell.

What makes nuud unique?

nuud is not a deodorant, but apreodorant – a regular deodorant disguises the odour of perspiration, whereas nuud preventsthis smell altogether. With nuud, smell does not stand a chance, because the bacteria, responsible for the smell, are inhibited naturally. In an antiperspirant the active component (aluminium) closes off the pores, and in combination with fragrances, the smell is masked, instead of prevented.

nuud works for days, after just one application – Because nuud is different, and therefore works for longer than a regular deodorant, you need a lot less of it. Micro silver structurally reduces the bacteria population, which means the smell of perspiration cannot occur. nuud works for a minimum of 48 hours and a maximum of 7 days. In addition to the ease of not having to put on deodorant as often, it also has the important benefit in that it is better for your skin because it is left more at ease.

nuud is applied directly on your skin – Rubbed on instead of rolled or sprayed. The cream, the micro silver carrier, transports the effective components to the right spot and keeps them in place. The cream does not only guarantee its effectiveness, but it is also very gentle on your skin and does not cause any irritations. This is why we chose this particular carrier of the effective components, instead of a roll-on or spray. And, because it does not dissolve in water, you can shower, work-out or do whatever you want, without reducing its effectiveness.

nuud is odourless – Instead of smelling of your deodorant’s fragrance, nuud allows you to smell like yourself. nuud contains no perfume, this way you can decide whether you want to smell of nothing, or of your favourite perfume or aftershave! Some people need some time getting used to this, especially if you’re so used to always smelling of your regular deodorant spray…

nuud really does not leave any stains on your clothes – nuud contains no ingredients that discolour your clothes and make them unusable. No more shirts with yellow armpits stains! (An added advantage: nuud is actually saving you money! ;-))

nuud is many times more concentrated than a regular deodorant; you need about fifteen times less. Which means that fifteen times less of it needs to be produced, fifteen times less of it needs to be transported and fifteen times less packaging material will be thrown away. Therefore, nuud has a less of an impact on the environment. Did you know, for instance, that about 8 billion bottles of deodorant end up in the bin per year, in Europe and USA alone?

Date to Detox

Perspiring is important for your body. That is why nuud does not contain salts, which block your sweat glands. Regular deodorants that contain aluminium salts or baking soda often cause your body’s perspiration management to be disturbed and your body to store excess toxins. nuud fixes this for you. Naturally and odourless! Sometimes it initially intensifies your perspiration, in terms of sweat and smell, for a little while. This ‘detox’ effect stops once you have been using nuud for a longer period of time. If you are a bit unsure, start using nuud on the weekend, so that you can test it in your own, safe space, and figure out how nuud works for you.

Toggle title

nuud is not an antiperspirant, but a deodorant.

It is important to explain the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant. A deodorant attacks the smell and an antiperspirant attacks the fluids. Most deodorants are also antiperspirants. nuud is primarily a deodorant and therefore attacks the perspiration smell, and to a lesser degree the perspiration fluids.


Perspiration fluids are the result of your body trying to cool down. This fluid is odourless, but is usually considered, especially if you perspire a lot, unpleasant.

The active ingredients in antiperspirants block your pores, which results in less perspiration. However, this disturbs your internal temperature management and toxins are not able to leave your body via your armpits.


When you stop using an antiperspirant your pores will no longer be blocked, which means, that especially in the very beginning, you might perspire more than before. The gel-plugs that had been blocking your pores for years are slowly leaving your body. This can take a while. For many people this is an uncomfortable experience and they assume nuud isn’t working for them so they switch back to their old deodorant. Our advice: give it some time!


A temporary stronger perspiration smell

The smell of perspiration occurs when bacteria change the skin oils in your perspiration fluids into butyric acid. These butyric acids are the cause for the characteristically ‘smelly sweat’. To disguise this smell, many fragrances are added to regular deodorants. Which often results in a body odour that is a mix of sweat and cheap perfume.


When you start using nuud, the smell of the bacteria won’t be masked anymore, like it has been with all your previous deodorants, but these bacteria will be inhibited and eventually stopped. Your microbiome just has to get used to this new situation. So, give it some time!


If you don’t have many bacteria, nuud will work after just one application, if you have more bacteria, it is possible that you will need to apply it a couple of times before it starts to fully work for you. This detox-period can take some time. It may even happen that you smell of sweat a little more than usual during this period. Keep applying until your body has gotten used to it; play around with the frequency to discover what works best for you.

Additional information

Additional information

Weight .15 kg
Package Color

Red (15ml)


Black (15ml)


yellow (20ml)


white (20ml)


green (20ml)


Sunrise- Random Color (20ml)




The product packaging you receive may contain additional details or may differ from what is shown on Organature website. We recommend that you reference the complete information included with your product before consumption and do not rely solely on the details shown on this page. For more information, please see our full disclaimer.

7 reviews for Nuud, Red Starter Pack Deodorant (15 ml)

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  1. Verified owner Fatema A.

    مفعوله ٤ ساعات فقط أو أقل
    للأسف ما حبيت

    • Store manager Organature S.

      مرحباً فاطمة وشكراً لك على اهتمامك بتقييم منتجاتنا
      مزيل العرق مركز جداً وذو فعالية عالية جداً تصل لمدة تتراوح بين 3 – 7 أيام
      وكما ذكرنا في تفاصيل المنتج أن بعض الأشخاص قد يحتاجون إلى التوقف عن استخدام مزيل العرق السابق لعدة أيام قبل استخدام مزيل العرق من نود
      لسبب أن مزيلات العرق التقليدية أو حتى الطبيعية التي تحتوي على أملاح الألمنيوم أو بيكربونات الصوديوم تتسبب أحيانا في عمل خلل في إدارة الغدد للتعرق وقد يحتاج الجسم الى بعض الوقت للتعود على عدم استخدامها وتبديلها بمنتج جديد
      ننصحك بمواصلة استخدام المنتج والتوقف عن استخدام المزيلات السابقة حتى تحصلين على النتيجة المناسبة لك

  2. Verified owner Moh’d A.

    been using it for two days with one application and there is no smell at all

    بعد التجربه في يومين مع إستخدام واحد فقط مع إستحمام مرتين،لا توجد رائحة على الإطلاق

  3. Verified owner Noura F.

    مرحبا ، من خلال تجربتي انا وزوجي واختي .. انا وزوجي ناسبنا جداً وتقريباً ٤ ايام بدون ريحه بس اختي ماناسبها تقول بس احس هي ماعطته وقت .. بالنسبه لنا المنتج يفوووووز وبنرد نطلبه اكيد

  4. Verified owner fatima h.

    عجيب هالمنتج لا تطوفونه والله انه سحر .. عانيت فترة من التعرق والرائحة الغير محببه بشكل مفاجئ وما ظل منتج ما جربته وكله بدون ف مثل فايده .. تعبت نفسيتي وترددت اجرب منتجات زيادة .. ولكن لما شفت المدح قررت اجربه كآخر فرصه يا يفيدني او ما بيضر خصوصا ان مكوناته نظيفه .. اتبعت التعليمات وقطعت المزيلات كلها قبل جم يوم عشان استفيد من المنتج ومن اول مره فادني انصحكم فيه

  5. Verified owner Israa A.

    بدايةً كنت خايفة آخذ الحجم الصغير ولكن رغم صغره إلا إن ظل عندي تقريباً 5 أشهر، وبالنسبة لمفعوله الحمدلله ناسبني جداً حتى لو تطلع ريحة عرق إلا إنها بسيطة وما تكون مزعجة.
    أظل تقريباً 3 إلى 8 أيام كحد أقصى قبل لا أحتاج أضع منه مرة ثانية مع إني من الأشخاص اللي يعرقوا بسرعة، وقررت أعتمده كمزيل رائحة ثابت رغم تجاربي لكثير من المزيلات الطبيعة قبله.

  6. Verified owner Abrar H.

    استخدمته من شهر تقريبًا…جدًا فادني، من مدة كنت ادور مزيل عرق آمن وخالي من العطور وما يسبب جفاف ولا يترك آثار في الملابس. أول كم يوم استعملته فيهم كان مفعوله اقل من الحين لكن بعد ما قرأت عرفت أن الجسم يحتاج فترة عشان يتأقلم عليه ومع اتباع التعليمات والطريقة الصحيحة لاتسخدامته نتيجته رائعة حاليًا + كان عندي جفاف وساهم في ان يروح فجدًا حبيت هالنقطة. لكن عندي تخوف اذا بيكون بنفس المفعول في فصل الصيف

  7. Verified owner nmariq f.

    الحجم مناسب صغير ومناسب للسفر قوامة تقريبا سائل خفيف رائحة مقبولة مفعولة يصل لكم يوم وهومايمنع التعرق فقط يمنع الرائحة الكريهة

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